Pools or Showers: Here’s Why Sex in Water May Not Be as Fun as It Sounds

Pools or Showers Here Why Sex in Water May Not Be as Fun as It Sounds

Sex in water, whether it’s in a pool, shower, or a hot tub, often carries an air of excitement and adventure. The idea of water adding sensuality and spontaneity to intimate moments can be enticing. However, the reality doesn’t always live up to the fantasy. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why sex in water may not be as fun as it sounds and offer some tips to make it more enjoyable.

  1. Water as a Poor Lubricant

One of the main challenges of having sex in water is that water itself is a terrible lubricant. It washes away natural lubrication and can make intercourse uncomfortable and even painful. Lack of proper lubrication can lead to friction, irritation, and micro-tears, which can increase the risk of infection.

  1. Condom Concerns

Condoms are a crucial tool for safe sex, but they don’t always work well in water. Water can weaken the integrity of latex condoms, making them more prone to breakage. Additionally, condoms can easily slip off in the water, increasing the risk of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

  1. Limited Sensation

Sex in water can dull physical sensations. The water can make it difficult to feel the subtle touches, which are often an essential part of sexual pleasure. This can be frustrating and may hinder the overall satisfaction of the experience.

  1. Risk of Infections

Water environments, such as pools, hot tubs, and even showers, can be breeding grounds for bacteria and other pathogens. Engaging in sexual activity in such environments can increase the risk of infections, including urinary tract infections (UTIs) and skin irritations.

  1. Challenging Positions

Water can make it challenging to maintain certain sexual positions. Slippery surfaces and buoyancy can make it difficult to find stability and maintain the desired position, potentially leading to discomfort or frustration.

  1. Safety Concerns

Safety is another issue to consider when engaging in sexual activity in water. Slippery surfaces can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. Additionally, it’s essential to be mindful of water depth and the risk of drowning in certain situations.

Tips for More Enjoyable Water-Based Intimacy

If you’re determined to have sex in water despite the potential drawbacks, there are ways to make the experience more enjoyable and safer:

  1. Use Appropriate Lubrication: Bring a silicone-based lubricant to counteract the natural lack of lubrication in water.
  2. Consider Non-Latex Condoms: If you must use condoms in water, opt for non-latex varieties, such as polyurethane or polyisoprene.
  3. Communicate: Clear and open communication with your partner is crucial to ensure both parties are comfortable and enjoying the experience.
  4. Choose a Safe Environment: Ensure you are in a safe water environment, such as a clean and well-maintained pool or shower. Avoid bodies of water with unknown or potentially harmful conditions.
  5. Experiment: Be willing to try different positions and techniques that work well in water. Flexibility and creativity can make the experience more satisfying.


While sex in water may hold romantic or adventurous appeal, it can be less enjoyable than it sounds due to its inherent challenges. It’s important to be aware of these challenges, prioritize safety, and communicate openly with your partner to ensure a positive experience. Additionally, using lubrication and considering alternative forms of contraception can help mitigate some of the potential drawbacks of water-based intimacy. Ultimately, the key to enjoyable and safe sex lies in understanding the nuances of each unique situation and adapting accordingly.

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