First-Time Anal Sex: Candid Answers from Women Who’ve Experienced It

Anal Sex

In spite of increasing pop culture coverage, anal sex is stigmatized heavily. After all, the adage goes that people are into it because of the tighter levels than the vaginas, and they appear in porn. Women occasionally acquiesce as bargain chips or save for special occasions only. While it may be true for women, assuming it goes for women is unfair. Many women try anal not for dudes only but because they are into themselves. This article will tell you the experience of women who involve in anal sex.

  1. Does anal sex hurt?

Some women who experience anal sex answered that it hurts and suggested women to use the various lube if you want to make it easier. When the women are doing anal sex with their men and are in the shower, then it is like the lube and stops hurting them.

  1. Who Does Anal Sex?

The reason why the couples do anal sex is for pleasure. Men get more pleasure from anal sex than women. For men, it is a tighter hole that is not crude, but for women, it hits the different parts. In this way, anal sex is different from regular sex and gives a good feel to couples. Anal sex play intensifies the orgasm. The sex toy used by people are the anal beads. They are surprised how much they pull them out from the point of climax, making the orgasm stronger.

  1. Who wants to do Anal sex?

In most cases, Anal sex is more preferred by men than women. One of the women who experienced anal sex answered that men would be more likely to do anal sex in candlelight decorations. It was men who asked their women to try anal sex with them. But based on different desires of different people, some women also have a desire to try anal sex.

Read: Exploring Anal Pleasure: Beginner-Friendly Positions for Anal Sex

  1. How does anal sex feel the first time?

The first time, anal sex was hurting people. So, it is suggested they use a lot of lube. People feel that their asses are stretched with anal sex and bring unpleasant experiences for you. Anal sex will be painful with a lover who is considerate or makes people uncomfortable. It is suggested that people start anal sex for the first time and adjust themselves to the sensations. Once you are comfortable, you can speed up the anal sex.

  1. What does anal sex feel with time?

It is determined by women that the anal sex is becoming better with time. But relaxing from anal sex is hard for people and ends with clenching your body, including your butt. It makes the sex worse because there is dick going there. You have to do anal sex at a slow rate until it becomes well for a long time.


In the end, it is come to know that anal sex feels great if you are in control of speed and force. In this case, anal sex happens between men and women makes sense and gives them pleasure.

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