What to do if the condom breaks while you’re having sex

5 Reasons Why Condoms Break and What You Should Do

Condoms are an essential tool for safe and responsible sexual activity. They are highly effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies and protecting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, condoms can sometimes break, leading to concerns about safety. In this article, we will explore five common reasons why condoms may break and what you should do to ensure safe and effective condom use.

  1. Incorrect Storage

Improper storage of condoms can compromise their integrity. Condoms should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Exposure to heat, moisture, or friction from items in your wallet or purse can weaken the latex or polyurethane, making it more prone to breakage. To prevent this, store condoms in a cool, dry location and check the expiration date before use.

What to do: Always check the expiration date on the condom package and store condoms in a cool, dry place. Avoid keeping them in your wallet or glove compartment.

  1. Using Expired Condoms

Using expired condoms is a common reason for breakage. Over time, the materials can deteriorate, making them less reliable. An expired condom is more likely to tear, and its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and STIs diminishes.

What to do: Check the expiration date on the condom package before use. If a condom has expired, discard it and use a new, unexpired one.

  1. Insufficient Lubrication

Friction during sex can lead to condom breakage. When there’s not enough natural or additional lubrication, the condom is more likely to tear. Dryness can occur for various reasons, including stress, medications, or insufficient foreplay.

What to do: Use water-based or silicone-based lubricants to ensure adequate lubrication. Apply a small amount of lubricant inside the condom and on the outside for extra safety. This will reduce friction and decrease the likelihood of breakage.

  1. Incorrect Application

Proper condom application is crucial to their effectiveness. Failing to roll the condom onto the penis correctly can lead to air bubbles, weakening the condom. Using your teeth or nails to open the condom package can also cause small tears, making it less reliable.

What to do: Open the condom package carefully with your fingers. Pinch the tip of the condom to remove any air and then unroll it onto the erect penis, ensuring it fits snugly without any wrinkles.

  1. Using the Wrong Size

Using a condom that doesn’t fit properly is a common reason for breakage. If a condom is too tight, it can stretch and tear, while one that is too loose can slip off during intercourse. Condoms come in various sizes, so it’s important to find the right fit.

What to do: Choose the appropriate condom size that fits comfortably and securely on the penis. Most condom packages indicate the size, so pay attention to this information when selecting a condom.


Condoms are a reliable and effective method for protecting against unwanted pregnancies and STIs. To ensure their effectiveness, it’s essential to understand why condoms may break and take the necessary precautions to minimize the risk. By practicing proper storage, using non-expired condoms, maintaining sufficient lubrication, applying condoms correctly, and selecting the right size, you can have a safer and more reliable sexual experience. Remember that if a condom does break during sex, it’s important to take action immediately, such as using emergency contraception and seeking advice from a healthcare professional regarding potential STI exposure.

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