The Ins and Outs of Condoms: Exploring Their Benefits and Limitations

condoms advantages and disadvantages

Condoms are the most common contraception form in the world. But there are many benefits of Condoms and some drawbacks, too. Contraception methods help people to prevent pregnancies. This means it is important to use condoms for birth control. In this post, we will tell you about the benefits and drawbacks of condoms.

Pros of condoms

There are many benefits of using condoms as the best contraception method.

  • Prevents pregnancy

The first benefit of using condoms is that it is highly effective and helps people to prevent pregnancy cases. If used correctly, these condoms work 98% effectively.

  • Cheap and convenient

Condoms are available easily anywhere. From canteens to pharmacies, you can get the condoms anywhere. You do not require an ID or prescription to purchase them; they are affordable. Condoms are a discreet, small, and portable way to get protection from STDs and pregnancy.

  • Sexy

Condoms are sexy. Protection is more important, but it also gives pleasure. This is why these love gloves come in various sizes, textures, styles, and flavors to give sensation. You can also use it for anal, oral, and vaginal sex.

  • Effective against STDs

Even when you use hormonal contraception, it does not help you to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. So, people use the condoms. Condoms are an effective way to prevent STDs because they work as the barrier method that blocks fluids and prevents them from entering the body.

  • No permanent Fertility changes

Hormonal contraceptives alter the natural hormonal balance of the body and increase the chances of blood stroke, clots, and more. Condoms do not physically alter the levels of fertility and do not have side effects.

Cons of condoms

Along with the benefits, there are a few drawbacks to using condoms. If you are going to use condoms, then you should be aware of these drawbacks.

  • Latex allergies

The first disadvantage of using condoms is that it causes latex allergies. It triggers latex allergies in the body that result in a runny nose, hives, rashes, and loss of blood pressure, and changes your mood. In this way, it is not considered a good method of contraception to use. There are several latex alternatives that you can use instead of condoms, but they cost a little more than condoms.

  • Condoms are not foolproof.

It is come to know that no contraception method is 100% effective, not even forms of sterilization. By using condoms, there is some risk of getting STI or becoming pregnant. This is the reason why some healthcare doctors also suggest people use condoms in addition to hormonal contraception to lower the chance of conceiving a baby or developing STDs. It is easy to use condoms, but it takes some time to affect the body. So, it is important for people to use condoms consistently and diligently.


Before using condoms, it is important to know about the contraception so you and your partner are kept safe and child-free.

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