7 rules for experiments with sex positions

sex positions

Experimenting with sex positions can be an exciting way to enhance your sexual experiences and strengthen the intimacy in your relationship. However, it’s important to approach this exploration with care, consideration, and respect for both partners. In this article, we’ll discuss seven essential rules for safely and enjoyably experimenting with sex positions.

  1. Consent is Paramount:

    The foundation of any sexual exploration is consent. Before trying any new sex position, both partners must enthusiastically agree and feel comfortable with the idea. Consent ensures that everyone involved is on the same page and actively participates willingly.

  2. Open Communication:

    Effective communication is key to a satisfying experience. Discuss your desires, boundaries, and expectations openly with your partner. Share what you like and what you’re curious about, and encourage your partner to do the same. Honest conversations help build trust and prevent misunderstandings.

  3. Start Slowly and Gradually:

    If you’re new to experimenting with sex positions, it’s wise to start slowly and gradually. Begin with positions that are simple and easy to execute. As you gain confidence and trust with your partner, you can explore more adventurous or complex positions.

  4. Consider Safety and Comfort:

    Pay attention to safety and comfort. Ensure that neither partner experiences discomfort or pain during the experiment. Use pillows, cushions, or other props to support your bodies as needed. If you’re trying positions that involve bondage or restraint, use safe and appropriate tools.

  5. Lubrication and Protection:

    Lubrication can greatly enhance comfort and pleasure during sex. Consider using a water-based or silicone-based lubricant to reduce friction. Additionally, if there’s any risk of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections, use appropriate protection, such as condoms, to ensure safety.

  6. Respect Physical Limitations:

    Each person’s body is unique, and physical abilities can vary. Be mindful of your own and your partner’s physical limitations. If a particular position causes discomfort or strain, be willing to adjust or try something else. It’s essential to prioritize both partners’ comfort and well-being.

  7. Aftercare and Debriefing:

    After experimenting with a new sex position, take time for aftercare and debriefing. Cuddle, talk, and offer emotional support to each other. Discuss what you enjoyed and what could be improved. This post-sex connection can strengthen your emotional bond and create a positive experience.


Experimenting with sex positions can be a thrilling and fulfilling part of your sexual journey. However, it should always be done with respect, communication, and consideration for your partner’s needs and boundaries. By following these seven rules, you can create a safe and enjoyable environment for exploring new horizons in your intimate life. Remember that the key to a satisfying sexual relationship is trust, consent, and the mutual enjoy.

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