7 Things Women Wish Men Would Do During Sex

7 Things Women Wish Men Would Do During Sex

Sexual intimacy is an essential part of many romantic relationships, and it’s crucial to ensure that both partners feel satisfied and valued in the bedroom. Women, like men, have unique desires and preferences when it comes to sex. While these preferences can vary greatly from person to person, there are some common themes that many women appreciate in a sexual encounter. In this article, we will explore seven things that women may wish men would do during sex to create a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

  1. Open and Honest Communication

One of the most fundamental aspects of a satisfying sexual experience is open and honest communication. Women often wish that men would take the time to discuss their desires, boundaries, and expectations. Encouraging a safe and non-judgmental environment for communication can lead to a better understanding of each other’s needs and ultimately enhance the quality of the sexual encounter.

  1. Extended Foreplay

Foreplay is an essential element of sexual intimacy that many women appreciate. Taking time for kissing, touching, and exploring each other’s bodies can build anticipation and increase the level of arousal. It’s important to remember that foreplay isn’t just a means to an end but can be a fulfilling and pleasurable part of the sexual experience in itself.

  1. Emotional Connection

Building an emotional connection during sex is something that many women value. Feeling emotionally close and connected to their partner can make the experience more meaningful and satisfying. Engaging in open communication and showing affection and emotional support can help foster this connection.

  1. Clitoral Stimulation

Understanding the female anatomy is crucial for a satisfying sexual experience. Many women require clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm. Taking the time to explore this sensitive area and understanding what works for your partner can lead to greater sexual satisfaction for both parties.

  1. Variety and Exploration

Women, like men, appreciate variety in the bedroom. Trying out different positions, activities, and fantasies can keep the sexual experience exciting and fulfilling. It’s important to be open to exploration and experimentation, always with consent and communication as a foundation.

  1. Mutual Pleasure

A fulfilling sexual encounter is one where both partners prioritize each other’s pleasure. Women often wish that men would focus on their partner’s satisfaction, not just their own. Ensuring that both individuals are enjoying themselves and feel valued during the experience is key to creating a positive sexual dynamic.

  1. Aftercare

After sex, some women appreciate post-coital affection and care, often referred to as “aftercare.” Cuddling, talking, or simply being present with your partner can help establish a sense of intimacy and closeness. This emotional connection after sex can be just as important as the physical aspects of the experience.


Every woman is unique, and her desires and preferences in the bedroom will be as well. What is most crucial for a fulfilling sexual experience is a foundation of communication, respect, and consent. Listening to your partner, being attentive to their needs, and working together to create an enjoyable and satisfying experience is the key to a healthy and pleasurable sexual relationship. Remember that open dialogue and an ongoing effort to understand and meet each other’s desires and boundaries are the building blocks of a fulfilling sexual connection.

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