Unlocking Intense Passion: 6 Spicy Sex Moves Men Crave in the Bedroom

Spicy Sex Moves Men Crave in the Bedroom

Stop meeting the men’s needs if it does not matter to you, especially in the bedroom. As the women major have lizzo energy, it is only as important to get pleasures as your partner. Lose the regressive tripe of being required to please your man and only your man because it is backward. Your orgasm matters only as much as your partner does. So, if you are curious about what your man craves in the bedroom, then it is suggested to start sex talk. This post will tell you about the 6 spicy sex moves men crave in the bedroom.

  1. He wants to show him how you like

Men have more chance of being visual learners. It is suggested to men to show him, with their hands, as the women like. Do not be afraid to move hands; use verbal, position body, or nonverbal communication to ensure a good time for both.

  1. He wants to take you out of the bedroom.

Men love variety always. Keep exciting them by exploring new playing places, like the laundry room, kitchen table, in the car, or outside. Experts suggested having sex with men in new places because it leads to creative and fun opportunities for both.

  1. Men want to make eye contact.

Sometimes, the women only need to make an emotional connection to fulfill the men’s cravings in the bedroom. Men want to see the way their partners feel and react to what they do. The more women lose in this emotional connection moment, the more they can enjoy what their men do in the bedroom.

  1. He wants to make love, too.

It is true that sex is cool and brings an intimate physical connection with the partner you love most. Sex therapist and sexologist suggests that making love is the best sex move men crave in the bedroom. After getting over the stigma of the corniness of making love as a term, sexologists suggest that men always want to make love when the sex is slower or want to make it more passionately or intentionally.

  1. He wants you to initiate sex sometimes.

One of the common complaints that sexologist hears in couples therapy is that male partners in relationships feel that they have to start sex with their women. Men like to be seduced; they like to feel attractive and desired. Starting sex sends the message to men that you want him, which gives them confidence and boosts them.

  1. He Craves more! Laughter

Humor takes the pressure off, and pretty much. It is the same in the case of sex. It is determined that everything that happens in the bedroom, including sex, is so serious. It is like when you toss aside your clothes, the sense of humor is thrown out with ease. Having a good laugh improves intimacy and helps you to get rid of pressure.


As with the sexual fantasy, it is good to discuss the details. You can Open up with dialogue by discussing fantasies. It makes you more comfortable for them to talk about fantasies and establish trust and space-safe

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