5 Ways to Make Sex with Condoms Feel SO Much Better


Certainly, I can offer some general advice on making sex with condoms more enjoyable. It’s important to prioritize safe sex practices, and using condoms is a crucial aspect of that. Here are five tips to enhance the experience:

  1. Choose the Right Size and Type: Selecting the right condom size is crucial for comfort. If a condom is too tight, it can be restrictive and uncomfortable, while a loose fit may reduce effectiveness. Additionally, experiment with different types of condoms, such as those with ribbing or texture, to find what feels best for both partners.
  2. Use Lubrication: Adding extra lubrication can significantly improve comfort and pleasure. Many condoms come pre-lubricated, but adding a water-based or silicone-based lubricant can enhance sensation. Just ensure that the lube is compatible with the condom material, as oil-based lubricants can weaken latex condoms.
  3. Try Ultra-Thin Condoms: Ultra-thin condoms are designed to provide a more natural feel without compromising safety. They are thinner than regular condoms, allowing for increased sensitivity. Be sure to check that they still meet safety standards for protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.
  4. Incorporate Mutual Communication: Open communication with your partner is key. Share your preferences, concerns, and any discomfort you may be experiencing. This helps create a more relaxed and enjoyable experience for both individuals. You can experiment with different techniques or positions to find what works best for you both.
  5. Focus on Foreplay: Engaging in extended foreplay can enhance arousal and natural lubrication, making the overall experience more enjoyable. Spend time on activities that build anticipation and desire, creating a more comfortable environment for the use of condoms during intercourse.

Remember, the key is to prioritize safety while also exploring what makes both partners comfortable and satisfied. If you have specific concerns or preferences, discussing them openly with your partner and finding solutions together can contribute to a more enjoyable sexual experience.

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